in MetaTrade 4
5 min, 15 min, 30 min 1H the best trade
s it possible?
Starting a trade without proper knowledge of this fundamental mistake.
Using an account on Zulutrade we can fully automate buying and selling currencies.
After selecting suppliers automatic signal is transmitted signal (supplier sygnału- a person holding account in reality and turning the real currency).
Nobody us not deceive, if the supplier wins it and we are gaining.
ZuluTrade mediates hand store, sending a signal from a supplier.
Want to make really good money from home create a LIVE account or DEMO account and trade.
In case of problems with the settings in your account to help you.
Be the mail and advise you on how best to set up an account to get paid.
On the market there are many robots to trade the forex market but what is their effectiveness?
He can lose a lot of capital in a few days.
If you doubt check the effectiveness of Google by typing eg .: test of forex robots.
I test Zulutrade approx. 3 months and I gain about 10% per month.
Today, after eliminating the most risky suppliers
You can achieve approx. 20%, giving on an annual: 100-300%.
The size of the profit depends mainly on the correct account settings.
If you try to trade in person or in addition with the signal providers
must first be sure to go over some basic courses such as .: management of capital,
which they are publicly available on the Internet. Proper preparation is essential.
Without the proper knowledge you can only lose. I have found personally tried the same trade. Very high volatility, too many open positions caused a number of times automatically closes below zero orders due to low account balances.
To avoid this you should have a balance of over 500 and more than a few trades open after 0.01. Certainly in the net you will meet many brokers offering the bill of $ 50.
With such a low account balance actually a waste of time and hourly tracking markets will groszowy profit and high risk of closing below zero operation. To wait out the unfavorable direction of the price you need is the right balance and not too large use of capital.
Therefore, I recommend suppliers. When suppliers course, also recommend to start with cautious use of capital. So Balance: $ 500-3000, and not many open items.
Then, as far as experience, you can increase your bid.
"NOTE Investments in forex are always associated with high risk. You can earn but lose capital. All investments incur at their own risk and own responsibility.
Dostawca sygnału: VIPRO
Profit 9 Funtów w ciągu 2 days
Dostawca sygnału: Highprofit
Profit 14,72 (prawie 5%) w ciągu 10 days
" Aby osiągnąć możliwie duże zyski należy wybrać najlepszych dostawców.
Zanim otworzysz KONTO LIVE spróbuj najpierw przećwiczyć na: KONTO DEMO
Zulurade wprowadził także naśladowanie: BINARY TRADE.
Po 30 dniach testu niestety taraderzy nie spisali się (kopiowałem traders z pierwszej piątki razem= -30%). Na temat: Binary trade jest mnóstwo filmików na Yutube zachęcających do łatwego zysku.
Super roboty, super wskaźniki, itp. Przetestowałem większość.
Ocena: tragedia- konto 250$ czyszczą w 1-3 dni. Nie polecam, przynajmniej do czasu znalezienia
dobrego środka.
Szerzej opcje Binary opiszę po dłuższych testach i gdy będą przynosić zysk.
Pamiętaj. Cierpliwość, podejście bez emocji, wiedza i właściwe zarządzanie kapitałem to podstawa . Emocje to zły doradzca.
" UWAGA! Inwestycje na forex zawsze wiążą się z wysokim ryzykiem. Można zarobić ale i stracić kapitał. Wszelkie inwestycje ponosisz na własne ryzyko i własną odpowiedzialność.
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